Hi all, it’s me again.
I’m facing a problem with Send Text Action.
I send a text -> “the car was on fire last night” -> to a file explorer and I checked an option “Send return key”. But the node only sends text up to 10 characters (Please see the picture).
Could you guys tell me why? Did I miss some setting?
Hi guy,
I don’t know why. I also have the same issue. But you can uncheck “Send result key” when using “Sent text” control.
Another, you can use “SetString” lib for set text in the window. It quickly
Good luck!

I checked the OR-5200_operating_manual.pdf in page 358 about Send_Text Node and it stated that
“Be careful when using the [Send return key] check box. Accidentally selecting this
check box may cause OR-5200 to send the Return key to an unintended destination.”
So I think Nguyen Van Quan-san has given the best answer, if you’d like to use Send_Text then make sure to unchecked the “Return Key” or just use SetString(WIN32) library.
Good to hear you’ve solved the case!

Hi rainy-san.
So what is the point of [Send return key]?
because my first intention is, I want to save downloaded data to certain folder and name, that is why I use SendText Action Node and [Send return key] as a replacement for keyboard [Enter].

Based on the description in the manual (for send_text node)
“Depending on the IME version used by the OS, the text sent may
be in an unconfirmed state (underlined, indicating that the text is in the process of being converted).
If so, selecting this check box enables OR-5200 to send the
Return key at certain intervals of text input during Send Text in
order to change text status to confirmed.”
Apparently it depends on the OS we’re using.
When I tried using it in my PC, if “return key” is checked then the text of “the car was on fire last night” will be sent in several sentences (Office Robot automatically send the text with several newline character in between).
This onwards is my on personal opinion so I’m not sure if its correct or not, if we’re typing in Japanese, we need to use return key to change the character we type into the kanji we aim, but if we’re sending alphabet character we dont have to change the character, right?
Maybe thats why it ended up giving us the return key to an unintended destination.
If you want to use keyboard[Enter] I think its better to use a separate node outside send_text.
Again this is my personal opinion, though 🙂
If we need official comment we shall ask the helpdesk I guess.

Aah, I see now.
Okai, thank you rainy-san for the explanation.
So I could say, that Send return key only applicable to japanese character but not for alphabet, since in alphabet there is no word that needs to be converted.
Oh, the SetString(WIN32) works like magic.
Thank you ngunyen-san.
I will use this library for a while.
But I still wondering, why the SendText Action Node is not working properly? Is it a bug?