I want to use mail merge function in word using shortcut-key.
But always failed when I run this action.
The Alt-key failed to run, the result is only typing M, R & E.
It’s failed when run whole scenario or just run partially.
This happen in Ms. Excel and Ms. Word.

I’m using your emulation with MS Word 2013. It run good

i used office 365 v 1908, last time this emulation was work. but it didn’t work today. i already create new emulation, but still failed.

Is there any error message ? If yes can you show me the one

no error message, the scenario continues running, it just skipped the Alt-key and typing M, R, E.

i have added the waiting time before and still failed. is it possible because of the pc region’s setting?

Can you use that shortcut manually?

yes, i can used (left) Alt-key manually.

I have a idea. You can change the shortcut of office like below
After that, You can try new emulation with new shortcut. Can you try ?

Can you change Alt to F10 in emulation ? . In my pc ok

thank you for your help, i just restart my PC and changed the region for the keyboard input method. the scenario run successful.

You are welcome .I’m glad hear that.

the result is only typing MRE
What your office version ?