Hello Everyone,
When running WinActor, I would like to automate WinActor to save different word files under different names at a specific location.
For example, WinActor created 2 word documents. I would like to save the first one as “A” at a specific location, and the second one as “B” at another specific location. How should I do that?
Thank you, I am pretty new to WinActor, would really appreciate the help.
Raymond Wang
Nguyen Van Quan Answered question

Hi Rei,
You should create a variable to store the path of the word file for each loop time. You can use the String_Concatenation library to do this.
Good luck
Thanks much for the reply.
Yep, I did use that, but I wanted to save name according to names under preset “variables”. This takes place in a loop with changing variable values. So each time the file should be saved under a different name.
Under the “Word_Savefileas” string, you could not type the “variable” name into the file path…