ーー<Start of code>ーーーーー
str_text = !テキスト!
num_slide = Cint( !スライド番号! )
positions = !挿入位置!
tmp = Split(positions, ",")
x = cint(tmp(0))
y = cint(tmp(1))
w = cint(tmp(2))
h = cint(tmp(3))
Set objPpt = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
If objPpt is Nothing then
Set objPpt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
End if
If objPpt is Nothing then
Err.Raise 1, "", "指定されたPowerPointアプリケーションが開けません。"
End if
objPpt.Visible = True
Set targetPptObj = objPpt.ActivePresentation
Set text = targetPptObj.Slides(num_slide).Shapes.AddTextbox(1,x, y, w, h)
text.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = str_text
'text.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
text.TextEffect.FontName = Arial
text.TextEffect.FontSize = 20
ーー<End of code>ーーーーー